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Coliving life: it's all about sharing

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

A few things you should know before living abroad and sharing with roommates

Welcome to Italy! Nervous because you don’t know who you are going to live with? Before you arrive at your unit, I'd like to give you some more tips for your stay with new roommates. You may or may not know them, but these tips are for both scenarios.

"In my personal experience, when I decided to move to the coliving in Via Cretese, I didn’t know who I was going to meet or who my roommates would be. I was so nervous :/ I was introduced right away and I was suddenly surrounded by amazing people. All of them were studying, working and living the same lifestyle as me. I had so much fun!"

Ready for the new adventure? I want to leave you some points that I have learned in my experience with roommates and that i vividly advice you to bear in mind:

Keep it in mind

- Set the rules first. Talk about "uncomfortable things" before anything else. Ask them about their routine, their lifestyle and even if they like to be spoken to in the mornings. That is the key to avoid future discomforts. Believe me, communication is the key to success when living with roommates.

- Don't expect anything from anyone :) The other person is not like you, they might not have the same level of cleanliness and tidiness as you do, they might not have the same vibes as you do. Don’t expect the dishwasher to never have any dishes or for the next person to change the sponge on the kitchen sink. Don't wait, because you'll be left waiting. Talk about things in a good way and don’t be afraid of speaking your truth and what’s “bothering you”.

- Be patient with yourself and with the others around you. Adaptation takes time, don't want to have everything under control because you are gonna be burned out :/ (it happened to me before)

-Learn to respect each other's spaces, timings and silences.

-Respect and be open to different traditions. Put judgement aside, and be open to new cultures. There are so many and so diverse that it is unbelievable. Good luck!


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