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Let the adventures begin - A letter from a RooFer

Dear adventurer,

It's amazing how quickly time goes by, isn't it? and how rapid things move when we make a decision to take a different path. We start to make different choices and as a consequence, everything outside starts changing at a rapid pace too. Look at you now, opening up to a completely new and unknown culture

I can imagine the way you might be feeling... a lot of fear, nerves, excitement, happiness and a bit of sadness also, for all that you are leaving behind. A mixture of emotions right? Quite difficult to explain.

The other day, in my writing sessions, I got a little bit of inspiration and wrote: What comes from the outside is equal to what comes from the inside. That's why I tell you dear adventurer, trust in yourself and in this adventure you are embarking on. Hope for the best! When you are open to receive what is new and different...magical things happen! Trust me in this one ;)

Talking about my own personal experience… Haha, I’m remembering and laughing as I write. Che personaggio! I couldn't say a single word in Italian. I used to say “CIAO” to every person who seemed Italian in the airport just because. The funny thing is that when they were interested in having a longer conversation, I smiled and waited for them to realise that I didn't understand anything :/

Summarise your experience so far? Magical, challenging and full of new adventures. I don’t want to fill you with toxic positivity saying that everything will be perfect and you will be feeling 100% every day…you will have fears that may come your way but nothing impossible to solve because, as you know, there is always a solution for everything and you're not alone! Those who start being your roommates, turn out to become family. And that, my friend, is amazing.

Tips to coliving life

1. Enjoy every second of your new adventure.

2. Don't fill your luggage so much! Let some free space for new adventures and new friendships because they turn out to become family outside your country and that is priceless.

3. Smile as much as you can! When you smile people smile at you and you start the conversation in a good way and people open up to help you.

4. Follow the crowd at the airport and you'll make it to the exit ;) Don't forget to book your RooF transfer, they’ll make sure you'll arrive home safe and sound, and avoid the "where the hell I am" moment at the airport.

5. Drink lots of water and sleep well when you arrive...if you’re coming from far away like me, the jet lag is hard haha, but worth it!



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